JumpSnap – The Ropeless Jump Rope

Jump Rope is the best exercise I know. You can burn calories really fast. You work a lot of different muscle groups in your arms, legs, and core. The equipment is cheap. The best ropes cost less than $10. Not to mention that a basic jump rope workout doesn’t require much space to do and storage space is non existent, unlike the giant treadmill currently collecting dust in my living room.

Enter the latest fitness fad: JumpSnap. I first heard of this last year from a little blog called Gizmodo. As a lifelong athlete in the sport of Jump Rope, I’m not really sure what to think about this. I’ve spent a large portion of my life teaching others how easy and fun it is to jump rope. Do we really need to replace a $10 piece of equipment with a $60 one?

Here is the promotional video for JumpSnap. You be the judge.

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  1. […] video review of JumpSnap, “The Ropeless Jump Rope”. When I previously posted about the JumpSnap, I said that I wasn’t sure what to think of it. Jump Rope is already a great exercise. A good […]

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