Razz-Ma-Tazz Double Dutch Single Freestyle

On a previous post, Carolyn made the following comment:

“I think the routines that are full of all skipping elements are much more interesting to watch. Routines that are created for competition and are filled with turner/jumper involvement and skilled that are in combinations. Could you show more of those sometimes?”

Well, Carolyn, this video is for you. This a Double Dutch single freestyle routine by the Razz-Ma-Tazz (Nick Woodard, Jeff Mauss, and Katrina Bartkowiak). They earned a 9.8 for this routine in competition. There is not a wasted jump in this routine. The routine is loaded with masters level tricks and lots of turner involvement. It doesn’t get much harder than this.

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  1. Carolyn
    Carolyn says:

    Thanks so much for showing that routine. It was awesome to see!!! Just for fun, the second time I watched it I timed how much for the routine was jumped without a wheel – ONLY 10 SECONDS!

    It was an honor to have this post dedicated to me. I feel special!

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