About JRV
Jump Rope Videos (aka JRV) is dedicated to spreading the word about the great sport of Jump Rope. On this site you will find the best jump rope videos from around the world. We aim to be a resource for showing people what is possible with a simple piece of rope and a little imagination. Here on JRV you will find videos of all styles of jumping rope including Single Rope, Double Dutch, Chinese Wheel, Traveler, and anything new that people might invent along the way. You can help by sending us your favorite videos so we can share them with the world.
This video may give you the best idea of just how dynamic this sport can be:
2016 BI YEARLY HOT DOG JUMP ROPE SHOW from Nakean Wickliff on Vimeo.
About Chris
JRV is run by former world champion Chris Holmes. During his over 30 years of involvement with the sport of jump rope, Chris has performed and taught in 11 countries, won several national championships, and one world championship. Chris started jumping in 1985 with the Footnotes of San Antonio, coached by Roger Crozier. Chris jumped for 10 years with the Footnotes before attending college at Texas A&M University to study computer engineering. While at Texas A&M, Chris started the first college jump rope team. During that time Chris also served as an early board member of USA Jump Rope. In 2007 Chris started jumpropevideos.com as a way to share his love of jump rope with the world. He is currently volunteering by serving on the board for the American Jump Rope Federation, supporting World Jump Rope and coaching his kid’s team, the Rope Warriors. It is Chris’ mission to help the sport grow and inspire a new generation of jumpers that will help carry it forward.
If you want to learn more…
Read: The Jump Rope Videos Mission.
Listen: Interview with Chris Holmes during the 2016 World Jump Rope Championships