Entries by Chris Holmes

Jump Rope Jam

Today I had the pleasure of being interviewed for the Jump Rope Jam podcast. It will air in a couple of weeks, and I’ll be sure to share it here once it goes live. We discussed some of the history of our sport and I shared some of my favorite videos with them. It was […]

GoPro with Shane Winsor

This is a cool advertisement for GoPro cameras featuring world champion and jump rope pro Shane Winsor. I love the first person perspective used on a few of the tricks. We need to see more of that. The next time someone busts out a subway or a grand central station, I want it filmed from […]

Jump Rope Music Video Featuring Mike Fry – Happy Hollows – Astrid

This is an amazing music video featuring Mike Fry. Mike is a legend in the sport of Jump Rope. He’s a four-time world champion jumper. He’s the founder of One World One Rope and jumpLA and has criss crossed the globe promoting and growing the sport. This video features him demonstrating his world class single […]