Double Dutch Holiday Classic on CBS Evening News

CBS Evening News visited Harlem to report on the Double Dutch Holiday Classic. It’s great that Jump Rope is getting some exposure at the national level, but unfortunately their coverage is a little misleading.

CBS reports that the event “amounts to Rope Skipping’s World Championships.” Real jumpers know that Worlds will be held in Cape Town, South Africa in July 2008. The US trials for selecting Team USA will be held in Mason, Ohio in late January. The Double Dutch Holiday Classic is certainly a high profile event, but it is definitely not the world championships of rope skipping.

CBS also reports that Japanese teams “took first, second, and third.” That’s accurate, but only for one event. The Advanced Fusion event is what they are referring to. And yes, Japanese teams took the top three spots with the Bouncing Bulldogs coming in fourth. However that doesn’t give a complete picture of the results. The Bulldogs actually dominated the competition. They won 8 out of 10 events and actually won the Novice Fusion event. Very impressive.

That being said, it’s great to see the popularity of our sport continue to grow. Here’s the report from CBS:

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Bouncing Bulldogs on CBS Evening News

The Bouncing Bulldogs appeared on the CBS Evening News this week. The Bulldogs will compete this Sunday (Dec. 2nd) in the Double Dutch Holiday Classic at the world famous Apollo Theater in NYC. The stars of the documentary Doubletime will go up against some of the toughest double dutch teams from around the world. The highlight of the competition is the Fusion event that we’ve seen explode in popularity over the last few years. The Bulldogs’ primary goal is to take the title back from the Japanese teams that have dominated the event 9 out of the last 11 years. Regardless of who wins, it will be an amazing show and an awesome display of talent.

Good luck jumpers!

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More Double Dutch Insanity

Here is another series of insane double dutch tricks for you to watch. I really like the way the video is edited to show us the same tricks several times in a row from different angles. Not to mention the tricks are spectacular. These guys do a basket toss over the turner and actually land it in the ropes like you’re supposed to. Very nicely done. I also really love the toe-pitch over the subway. That’s got to be a really scary (and dangerous) trick. Finally, they do an amazing variation on the subway. I know from experience how tough a standard subway can be to complete. They take a much harder version and make it look pretty easy. The jumpers do an excellent job, but if you want to know the real secret to landing the trick… watch the turners. They are excellent. You can’t do much in Double Dutch without good turners.

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