Double Dutch Delight 2007 – PRISM

This video was recommended by USA Jump Rope All Star Mike Fry. Mike says:

I just came across this video, and thought they did some pretty cool things (one of the turners does a triple jump through like it’s nothing).

When somebody of Mike Fry’s caliber recommends a video… I listen.

Check it out:

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Ropeworks at Seattle Folklife 2007

This is a video of the Ropeworks performance troupe at the Seattle Folklife festival 2007. It is a very professional jump rope demonstration. You can definitely see Rene Bibaud’s influence on their jumping style. It feels like this is straight out of one of her Cirque Du Soleil performances which is quite an accomplishment. It’s always great to see a show that successfully blends multiple styles. In this video we get to see single rope, double dutch, traveler, and chinese wheel.

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Razz-Ma-Tazz Double Dutch Single Freestyle

On a previous post, Carolyn made the following comment:

“I think the routines that are full of all skipping elements are much more interesting to watch. Routines that are created for competition and are filled with turner/jumper involvement and skilled that are in combinations. Could you show more of those sometimes?”

Well, Carolyn, this video is for you. This a Double Dutch single freestyle routine by the Razz-Ma-Tazz (Nick Woodard, Jeff Mauss, and Katrina Bartkowiak). They earned a 9.8 for this routine in competition. There is not a wasted jump in this routine. The routine is loaded with masters level tricks and lots of turner involvement. It doesn’t get much harder than this.

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