Fox Sports to Air 2008 US National Jump Rope Championships

USA Jump Rope has just announced that Fox Sports is going to air the 2008 US National Jump Rope Championships.

Here are the scheduled air dates:

  • FSN Arizona 7/28/08 4 p.m. Pacific & 8/18/08 3 p.m. Pacific
  • FSN Detroit 7/28/08 4 p.m. Eastern & 8/18/08 3 p.m. Eastern
  • FSN Detroit 8/22/08 2 p.m. Eastern
  • FSN Florida 7/28/08 4 p.m. Eastern & 8/18/08 3 p.m. Eastern
  • FSN Midwest 7/28/08 3 p.m. Central & 8/18/08 3 p.m. Central
  • MSG Plus 7/28/08 4 p.m. Eastern
  • FSN North 7/28/08 4 p.m. Central & 8/18/08 3 p.m. Central
  • FSN Wisconsin 7/28/08 4 p.m. Central & 8/18/08 3 p.m. Central
  • FSN Northwest 7/28/08 3:30 p.m. Pacific & 8/18/08 3 p.m. Pacific
  • FSN Ohio 7/28/08 4 p.m. Eastern & 8/18/08 3 p.m. Eastern
  • FSN Pittsburgh 7/28/08 4 p.m. Eastern &8/18/08 3 p.m. Eastern
  • FSN Rocky Mountain 7/28/08 1 p.m. Mountain & 8/18/08 3 p.m. Mountain & 8/18/08 1 p.m. Mountain (non Broncos)
  • FSN South 7/28/08 4 p.m. Eastern & & 8/18/08 3 p.m. Eastern
  • FSN Southwest 7/28/08 4 p.m. Central & 8/18/08 3 p.m. Central
  • FSN Houston 7/28/08 4 p.m. Central
  • FSN West 7/28/08 12 p.m. Pacific & 8/18/08 3 p.m. Pacific
  • Comcast New England 7/28/08 4 p.m. Eastern
  • Comcast Philadelphia 7/31/08 3 p.m. Eastern & 8/21/08 3:30 p.m. Eastern & 8/24/08 3 p.m. Eastern
  • Comcast Mid Atlantic 8/18/08 3 p.m. Eastern
  • Comcast Chicago 8/07/08 9 p.m. Central

While you wait for the official airing, here is a sneak preview of one of the routines you are sure to see. This is 2008 Grand National Champion Shane Winsor doing his award winning single rope freestyle.

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Hong Kong Skipper – Yip Suet Bun

This video was submitted by Wittman Au-Yeung. This is from the Hong Kong Rope Skipping Championships. This is Hong Kong Skipper “Yip Suet Bun” performing another Master Freestyle with zero mistakes. He is in the 15-17 age Male group. He won the gold medal in 30 sec speed, Triples, Freestyle and the over all champion with the highest freestyle score among all the age groups in this Championships. He is preparing for the World Championships that will be held in South Africa in July of 2008. Wish him luck by leaving a comment on this video.

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Rope Show Episode 2 – Death Wish

Lee Reisig recently posted the second installment of “The Rope Show”. In this episode, Lee shares video of Nick Woodard landing a trick called the “Death Wish”. This is a new trick that Nick let us know about last year when we interviewed him about landing the Money Maker. Lee thought of the trick, and Nick has become the first to land it. It’s a Triple Under AS landing in a Frog. This is a very scary trick. If you snag your rope while your arms are behind your knees, you will be in serious trouble. Your face will be the closest thing to the ground and your arms will be stuck behind your knees and therefore unable to break your fall when you land. Landing on your face is *NOT* part of the trick.

Thanks to Lee for sharing another cool moment in Jump Rope history!

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