Nick and Jeff show some “really good jumping”

Here’s a video from Jeff Mauss and Nick Woodard showing you some “really good jumping.” That’s a bit of an understatement if you ask me. These guys have consistently elevated the sport to a new level over the years. Along with fellow Razz-Ma-Tazz team member Katrina Bartkowiak, they performed what is still one of the best and most difficult double dutch routines ever seen at Nationals. This video shows Nick and Jeff along with several other jumpers continuing to push the envelope. Jump Rope will never be the same again.

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Double Dutch Delight East 2008

Nailed it.

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JUMP! Jump Rope Documentary Premieres on Showtime

The Jump! mailing list and movie blog just revealed that Jump! will begin airing this Sunday, December 7th at 5pm on Showtime. This is a great opportunity for our sport to get more exposure. Tell all your friends. Hop on over to the official Jump! movie blog for a sneak peak at the new trailer that is currently running on Showtime. Congratulations to Helen Hood Scheer (director) and all the stars of Jump! You’ve made the whole jump rope community very proud!

Here is the original trailer for Jump! that has been a permanent fixture on our top ten list ever since it was first posted on JRV.

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